Electromagnetic smog refers to all artificially generated electromagnetic fields in the environment and to the permanent exposure of humans and the environment to them. Electromagnetic smog is classified as non-ionizing radiation. This means that it does not produce electromagnetic energy to remove electrons from atoms or molecules, unlike ionizing radiation, such as radioactivity.

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Low frequency electric and magnetic fields are generated when electricity is generated, transported or applied, for example in alternating current circuits and electrical appliances. High frequency electromagnetic fields are generated by wireless transmission via WiFi or baby monitors. Microwave ovens in the kitchen also use a high frequency electromagnetic field to heat food.

Electromagnetic fields can be artificially produced, but they also occur naturally in the environment. For static and low frequency fields, electrical and magnetic components are considered separately. The two components are closely coupled to each other in high frequency fields, so we are talking about electromagnetic fields. A good overview of the current state of science in terms of electromagnetic research, its impact on humans and the recommended protection is available on the website of the German Federal Office for Radiation Protection.

If we are exposed to artificial electromagnetic fields (called electromagnetic smog or electrosmog), they can have a fundamental impact on the biological processes in our body with the following effects:

- Lack of concentration and sleep problems
- Disorders in the balance of our vegetative nervous system
- Weakening of the immune system
- Metabolic disorders due to hyperacidity and clogging
- Mental tension and stress

By using the latest VIVOBASE technology we can minimize this effects.

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