Med Matrix is ​​an amazing detox device, in the form of a mouse-like device, which performs a relaxing "massage" on the back and legs. This little "massage" device incorporates a lot of science and years of research.

Duration: 30 min.

Price: 170 RON (+TVA 19%)

Special Offer 1 - 7 therapies with first microcurrent frequencies / 7 therapies with biofrequencies magnetic field - 990 RON (+ 19% VAT)

Special Offer 2 - 4 spa detox therapies / 4 infrared sauna sauna / 8 Proellixe vibration therapies - 350 RON (+ 19% VAT)

Special Offer 3 Ozone Therapy - 5 sessions autohememo major ozone - 990 RON (+ 19% VAT)

Special Offer 4 Ozone Therapy - 5 rectal / vaginal / autohemo minor insufflations - 550 RON (+ 19% VAT)

How does Med Matrix work?

The device contains three electrodes that "brush" every square centimeter of the skin (guided, obviously, by the therapist's hand). The first electrode repolarizes the cell membrane and neutralizes excess negative charge, the tissue becoming alkaline again. The second electrode is shaped like a suction cup that inhales toxins from the skin. Basically, through this suction massage, some toxins are eliminated immediately and the pores are released. The device analyzes the frequency of these toxins on the spot, so that the third electrode, through the biorezoning, sends to the skin a reverse signal of the toxins, a wave with opposite effect, to cancel them. Thus, three holistic therapies are performed in a single movement.

Tissues with matrix affected in chronic condition have an excessive negative load and too much acid. Med Matrix direct current therapy relies on the fact that it is possible to change the polarity of the external tissue. The electrodes guide weak current directly to the tissue and neutralize the excess negative charge, and the tissue becomes alkaline again, the metabolic function normalizes.

The standard Med Matrix protocol represents the ideal preparation for all subsequent therapies because, afterwards, the body will be able to restart the blocked healing processes.

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